| #1509 | 他也不知道怎么不用 GL_EXT_Framebuffer_fetch 做混合到同一目标。。。23333 |
| #1511 |
give me one file php blog solution that uses plain text for data storage
improve the solution into fully working webpage
give me the improved version
Don't use template, I want everything inside one php file
add login support to it
I still want you to not use templates
please continue
| #1515 |
give me an example of writing a png file that's in linear color space, using C language and libpng
// Set the color space to linear
png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, 0.45455);
好像和GIMP存的类似,写了个0.4545的后备伽马值。 |
| #1516 |
show me an example code how to generate a linear icc profile using lcms in C
you didn't generate gammaCurve in the example, please optimize