
The backend of my personal website.

Yiming Wu 6d3f120df6 Staging 2 years ago
Parsedown.php 8cc8cac4ed Initial Commmit. 2 years ago
ParsedownExtra.php 6d3f120df6 Staging 2 years ago
index.php 6d3f120df6 Staging 2 years ago
readme.md 59baf51f2c Fix typo 2 years ago
translations.md c38cb603b0 Improvements including shop 2 years ago


laMDWiki | 那么的维基

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[- ChengduLittleA.com/lamdwiki -]

laMDWiki is a super light weight blog/wiki platform running on PHP!

  • Twitter-like posts and threads
  • Back-references for both images and posts
  • No database needed
  • Convenient image upload
  • Adapt to English/Chinese user interface
  • Image Shop Functionality


  • 推特形式的帖子和主题
  • 帖子和图片均具备反引用功能
  • 无数据库
  • 方便上传和查看图片
  • 适应英语和汉语浏览器界面
  • 图片商城功能

(This is actually the forth version I made, it used to be so cramped with functions and not very easy to use)


Installation | 安装

Copy index.php, translations.md, Parsedown.php, ParsedownExtra.php to your server document root and you are good to go.

When entered the site, double click the © symbol on the bottom to log in, default user ID is admin, default password is Admin. Please change the ID and the password after logging in.

It is recommended that you use Apache web server, because the access control is done through .htaccess. You may need to manually convert it for other web servers.

index.php, translations.md, Parsedown.php, ParsedownExtra.php 复制到服务器根目录即可。

进入网站后,双击底部©符号登录设置,默认用户 admin,默认密码Admin。登录后请修改密码。


Using | 使用

Just post stuff with markdown syntax. Click the left side arrow to access post context, Post manipulation button is the + symbol on the top right of each post.


Post Referencing | 引用帖子

Post can be referenced using Markdown link, simply put the 14 digit post ID into the link field. A reference link with its own paragraph will be automatically expanded into a post preview.


Special Codes | 特殊代码

代码 显示
<-- <- <-> -> --> <-- <- <-> -> -->
<== <= <=> => ==> <== <= <=> => ==>
+++++ (分页符)
[-高亮文字-] [-高亮文字-]
![keep_inline original]() 图片保持行内,使用原图
{big_table} 下一个表格是大表格
{read_more} 帖子预览在这里截断
{PRICE my product price} 产品价格
{SHORT product short description} 产品短描述
{PURCHASE button name} 购买按钮
- [PRODUCT whatever](14_digit_id) 商品列表项目
{支付宝} {支付宝}
{PayPal} {PayPal}

Product Showcasing | 商品展示

Mark the post as P type to set it as a product. Then use those product specific tags shown above to set basic info for product preview. The thumbnail of the product is the first image used in the passage. To reference/show this product on another post, simply use a link, or put the link into a Markdown list.


Settings | 设置

Navigation bar, two footers and a pinned post can be configured. Copy the 14-digit post id (from your url or from post menu) and paste it inside to use that post in corresponding positions. Use markdown list for navigation bar for best layout.


Purchasing URL can be set when you open a image. If you'd like to set it as a internal product post, then enter the 14 digit post ID.
